
Email: reikiem@onebox.com
Self Service

I offer a variety of instant, affordable, self serve distance energywork services, including:

1) Reiki Sessions wherever you want, whenever you want, for individuals, couples, groups, and family/households. Choose from a list of preset "blasts" for specific conditions/ vibrations, or enjoy custom sessions for exactly what you need. Transcend stress, dis-ease on all levels, trauma, and more... to find Deep Inner Peace and Joy.

2) Cleansing and Charging of Ritual Objects via distance. Easy, instant, convenient.

3) Reiki Sessions for plants, animals, and land. No need to take your pets/livestock to the vet, they can enjoy distance Reiki right where they are. Also easy convenient Reiki blessings for healing  plants, gardens, and properties. Coming Soon! Or email me to design your custom service now.

4) Cleansing/charging rooms, sacred spaces, massage tables and chairs to heal spaces and create healing spaces. Coming Soon! Or email me to design your custom service now.

Free Samples/Trials offered for each service! and Prices start at only $5!

Coming Soon: Self Service Reiki for Plants, Pets, Couples, Families, Businesses, and more!

Also coming soon, Self Service Distanee charging and cleansing of  sacred rooms/places.