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Booster Reiki Attunements

Booster Reiki Re-Attunements:

For those of you already trained in and attuned in any level of Reiki, I offer simple re-attunements to refresh and revitalize your practice.

Re-attunements are not necessary, as your original attunement is permanent. Yet through life, our awareness of and choice to use Reiki may rise and fall. And so it can be a nice thing to get re-attuned to strengthen our focus on Reiki.

I offer standard Reiki Attunements as well as "upgraded" Reiki attunements that are more grounded in the transmission of Unconditional Love, Joy, Empowerment, Abundance, and Enligtenment.

The booster attunements include a simple energy transmission in person or via distance along with a brief question and answer session to address any concerns you have in your Reiki practice. The booster attunements do not include instruction or training.... as they assume you have already had prior training and attunement.


I have also come to realize that different Reiki Masters transmit slightly different energies in their Reiki attunements.... or at least that is what I have been told by students. My suspicion is that this is so because different teachers carry slight variations in consciousness. For instance one of my friends trained with someone else who didn't have the experience of feeling the Reiki energy until after months of practice. My friend, in fact, did not feel the Reiki energy until quite a while after his attunement from his teacher. In contrast, I felt the energy immediately upon my attunements, and it never occurred to me that anyone would not feel the energy. So out of the hundreds of students I have attuned to Reiki, there was only one who did not feel the energy after his attunement.

My own experience is that my awareness of Reiki has varied based on where I choose to put my awareness. The first years I felt the energy quite strongly and tangibly throughout my life and also during sessions. As my intentions and awareness changed, so did the sensations of energy. I grew more interested in the idea of shifting reality and instantaneous changes in state, and my visible practice of Reiki grew more to what others have described as "shamanic energy work", and less like laying of hands.

The energy work is no less effective though the sensations may be less tangible, but it is a different experience for me. I recently decided I would like to return to that way of being more energy aware, and one of my student's re-attuned me, and I have been enjoying the awareness of the constant hum of Reiki in my body.  I haven't noticed that it has changed my clients' experiences so much as my own.